73 results

Access Value

Posted on 24.05.2012

The safety of patients: what role for the EU?

The current situation for patient safety is alarming in Member States. It is estimated that 37,000 deaths occur in Europe each year from preventable infections acquired while receiving treatment. Yet, this figure published by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), could very well be a low estimate as Member States differ in their measurements of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), often in how frequently data is collected, for which infections data is collected and how data on infections is reported. This is of particular importance because when we talk about patient safety, we often do not have comparable information to really understand what the state of patient safety in Europe truly is. That is to say, we do not always know which healthcare settings are safe when we seek care.

By David Byrne Former EU Health Commissioner and Patron of Health First Europe

Wound care
Access Value

Posted on 23.02.2012

Challenges in chronic wound care: the need for interdisciplinary collaboration

Many Germans suffer from chronic wounds (mainly leg, pressure or diabetic foot ulcers) and their numbers grow by 650,000 annually. Wounds of all sorts have a major impact on patient function and quality of life, and may be life-threatening. In addition, providing wound care is a significant cost to the healthcare system. These types of wounds alone are an estimated annual financial burden for healthcare payers of €5 billion.

By Johannes Georg Böttrich Member, Eucomed Advanced Wound Care Sector Group Dr. rer. nat. / Medical Scientific Affairs OPM B. Braun Melsungen AG


Posted on 11.01.2012

How should the EU regulatory framework change because of the PIP incidents?

Since the French authorities made their announcement just prior to Christmas, the PIP case has generated a large amount of press and political attention. Quite rightly, the main focus is on the women affected and on governments providing the right health advice and appropriate follow-up. As I am writing this posting a couple of days after we released our first statement, I understand that the European Commission is to seek an independent scientific opinion on the human health risks of silicone breast implants.

By John Brennan Director Regulations and Industrial Policy

Access Value

Posted on 01.12.2011

Incontinence, a silent condition? No more!

Incontinence is a condition that often gets associated with age. When we think about incontinence we tend to think first about elderly people and that’s normal because over 60% of nursing home residents are affected with some kind of incontinence (from mild to severe). However, European studies estimate that between 4% and 8% of the total population are affected, regardless of age. As our populations grow older, it is fair to say that more and more people will suffer from it. This could be your neighbour’s condition and you wouldn’t even know about it!

By Eszter Kacskovics Public Affairs Director SCA Hygiene Products, Incontinence Care Europe


Posted on 06.04.2011

On e-health and medical technology: grasp the nettle or pay a high price?

Chairing a two day conference on e-health and presenting at a groundbreaking Innovation in Healthcare conference put on by DG Research has further fuelled my enthusiasm for telling the story about the power of technology to enable massive changes to the way that populations are cared for, whilst simultaneously improving outcomes, the patient experience and cost. If all this seems too good to be true just look at what the alternatives might be.

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed

old keys

Posted on 18.03.2011

Effective solutions to prevent 4.1 million healthcare associated infections in Europe

Though we live in countries with well-funded and advanced healthcare settings, we all know that receiving medical treatment inevitably carries risk with it. However, less is known about the procedures in place to minimise the risk of adverse events. Should I be scared to enter a healthcare setting? How do I know if the hospital where I am treated has a procedure in place to minimise risk so that it is not complicated by an infection?

By John Bowis Honorary President, Health First Europe

Access Regulation

Posted on 07.09.2010

To Reuse or not to Reuse – that is the question (and with apologies to lovers of Shakespeare)

The recent report from the European Commission into the reuse of single use medical devices reminds me of Hamlet. The Danish prince, like the Commission in their report, had to contemplate the nature of action, and whether to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles […]

By John Brennan Director Regulations and Industrial Policy

2007-07-19 Mother and daughter

Posted on 21.04.2010

Patient safety and public perception: transparency, transparency, transparency…

Patient safety and public perception: transparency, transparency, transparency…In scanning the disparate output of the EU machine I came across a thought provoking survey of EU citizens on the subject of patient safety. Perception surveys are scientifically questionable as  they deal in the currency of (often poorly informed) individual’s views. Politically and from a policy perspective […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed

Hospital4 B

Posted on 28.05.2009

From the Haupstadtkongress – Patient safety, what can be done on a European level?

Listening to a distinguished panel of experts chaired by Bernard Merkel of DG Sanco I get the impression that things are moving to raise the level of patient safety. I was interested to learn that DG Sanco has commissioned a study to rate Member States in their efforts to combat patient safety. This “black list” […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed