New training video boosts global compliance – and public confidence

  • Posted on 25.03.2021

New training video boosts global compliance – and public confidence


Aline Lautenberg

General Counsel and Director General Legal & Compliance, MedTech Europe


Caterina Marcon

Officer Legal & Compliance, MedTech Europe


Bringing innovative medical technology to patients around the world is a priority for the medtech industry. This task often relies on a wide network of third-party intermediaries and distributors. While third parties provide valuable local knowledge, logistics and skills, it is important to appreciate that everyone working on behalf of medtech companies is bound by strict rules and standards.

Compliance with applicable anti-bribery and corruption and/or international laws is essential, not only to avoid severe penalties but also to ensure that patients continue to trust in life-saving technologies. Confidence in medtech is priceless: patients want to know that decisions about their diagnosis and care are based exclusively on clinical considerations.

New training video

So, what can we do to ensure that the highest ethical standards apply everywhere that medical technologies are used?

At MedTech Europe, we have been working with our member companies and sister organisations around the global to develop distributor compliance guidance and toolkits, including training material, to ensure legal and ethical distributor interactions. (Find out more)

Specific aspects of training play a key role. This brings some challenges of its own. For medtech companies, large and small, providing training to partners in dozens of countries is no small task. For third-party distributors and sales agents working for several companies, the burden of keeping up with multiple sets of standards and codes can be significant and sometimes even confusing.

At MedTech Europe, the latest tool, produced in collaboration with AdvaMed and APACMed, is a video addressing the main aspects of compliance training for distributors and intermediaries.The video aims to address an unmet need for a high-level introduction to compliance training. It sets out the key principles that companies and their partners must follow if they are to maintain the highest standards of ethics when doing business.

Our goal was to identify the common threads found in company rules, industry codes and local laws – the core features of compliance that do not change from country to country.

We believe that the video provides practical and relevant advice for distributors and their own networks. It introduces the four cornerstones of appropriate behaviour: integrity, independence, appropriate behaviour, and transparency. These are the foundations upon which ethical business conduct is based.

Of course, we know that compliance is rarely simple. It is, however, essential for the industry and for patients. We hope that the video will provide a sound basis for companies and third parties to work from in setting and maintaining high standards everywhere.

MedTech Europe will continue to develop guidance, training and multimedia tools to support members in this vital task. In today’s world, people expect a lot from our industry. Tomorrow’s winners will be the ones who meet those expectations.

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