Claudia Guerrazzi
Research Assistant, CERGAS, Bocconi University
Claudia Guerrazzi is Research Assistant at CERGAS (Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management), Bocconi University. She obtained a Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions at Bocconi University in 2011.
Her main research interests are related to ICT and innovation in the public sector and, in particular, in health care, and to health care management and disease management.
1 blog from the author
Can mHealth be a solution for cancer care?
The impressive spread of mobile connectivity in recent years has attracted attention on the infinite possibilities to transform healthcare services, making them accessible to people regardless of their age, social status or geographical location. Thousands of mobile applications have been developed and hundreds of pilot studies have been launched in an attempt to capture a slice of the pie. With increasing prevalence of cancer and rocketing healthcare costs, could mHealth be a solution for cancer supportive care? We dig in to find out.